Thursday, February 16, 2012

Take Positive Steps to Reuniting After a Breakup

Sexuality and gender identity-based culturesImage via Wikipedia
Many people have the misconception that the first step in reuniting after a breakup is calling your ex, not! You may think that it's better for your partner to see you and talk to you every available moment, to be reminded of all the good times you've had. But in a heated situation where your relationship is in crisis or repair, keeping yourself in the scene may be a case of "familiarity breeds contempt."

Actually, the first step is being able to accept what happened so you can take positive steps in making the relationship new again.

You probably know that breaking up with a person you still love is one of the most painful experiences we as humans will ever know. On the other hand, reuniting after a breakup can be the most joyful experience, giving you renewed energy and a more positive outlook on all other aspects of your life.

I know when you take advantage of this method you will finally be on your way to making up and reuniting after a breakup, continuing to make your relationship better than you could have ever imagined.

You may feel the best way to reunite after a breakup is to call your ex and beg for their return. This is not the way to go! Or you may think that the best course of action is to lock yourself in your home and cry until you've run out of tears. This isn't it either!

If you're serious about getting back together after you split up, there is a better way to go. Here are the three best steps that you can pursue for getting back together after a breakup!

First and foremost, getting back together after a split means accepting what happened. It may be hard for you to accept that the breakup happened, but you can’t continue the relationship the way it was going. You need to accept the fact that the breakup happened so that you can work on renewing the relationship ie, changing your former partner's opinion of you, which can only happen when you change your attitude. My guess is this... Life's circumstances haven't been good as you've been expecting for a while now,  causing a lack of faith, maybe you've said or have been on the receiving end of hurtful words.

Did you know that the tongue has the power of life and death by the words that come out of the mouth? And words come from the overflow of the heart (spirit)? Yes my friend, the words you say will determine your future, so try to control your tongue. Speak words in a negative manor and your world will grow darker. On the other hand, positive words of encouragement will brighten your future, it's a biblical principle. Speaking of biblical principles, here is an excellent resource to help you deal with life's challenge.

I encourage you to look into biblical principles, even if you think the bible is nonsense. Don't wait until all other resources are exhausted, you just may find a priceless hidden treasure of wisdom that will transform your relationship, not to mention your entire life.

Reuniting after a breakup means wiping the slate clean and then starting over, born again so to speak.

Secondly, reuniting after a breakup does not begin with calling your ex! Do not call your ex when you are working on getting back together after he/she split. Let things cool off, regulate your emotions and work on renewing yourself.

Also, getting back together is going to involve figuring out what went wrong. Work on improving the relationship in your mind and do not call your ex until things have normalized in your heart and head.

Finally, to bring back the one love of your life means planning for the right timing. Once you feel as though you are prepared to reunite. You can begin to plan the where, when and how. By the time you are prepared to rekindle that relationship, you will have a better idea about whether or not you are still in love with him/her. Since everything has ended now, don't worry about who’s at fault. Instead, focus on how to reunite with your lost lover and don't forget... be positive in mind and spirit.

Begin with casual conversation, a good friendship, and let things develop from there. If you take things slow and treat them positively, reuniting after a break up is easier than you imagined.

Intimacy plays a major role in staying reunited. The best way to protect your love life and precious connection with your partner is to have lots of new love making ideas ready at your disposal, when the time is right. It's also important to keep the relationship fresh after reuniting with your ex, whether it is creative dates, sex or what ever your imagination comes up with. There is no future in the past, keep looking forward...

Related posts on reuniting after a breakup:

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